
[Poster] Usability Testing Etiquette – A Parody

[Poster] Usability Testing Etiquette – A Parody Just for fun – Stop by and watch an 8 minute video on usability testing etiquette. You’ll get a fun demonstration of the Do’s and Don’ts of moderated usability testing. Poster Contributors: Stephen Woodburn Shaun Long Siddiq Nasar Michelle Penney Cindy Rodriguez Yoonju Nam  

[Poster] Grabbing (and keeping!) your users’ attention in the age of interruption – How the attention economy has changed the rules of engagement

[Poster] Grabbing (and keeping!) your users’ attention in the age of interruption – How the attention economy has changed the rules of engagement Smartphones changed everything. Where early mobile phones were used to make calls, smartphones have morphed the mobile device experience into a path to everything online, from personal/group messaging to email, social apps, […]

[Poster] ReSUS: A validated plain language SUS alternative (or how to benchmark your interaction design, and have scientific rigor, too.)

[Poster] ReSUS: A validated plain language SUS alternative (or how to benchmark your interaction design, and have scientific rigor, too.) Surveys provide a quick, effective to benchmark customer satisfaction over time. However, the “standard” surveys are not without controversy. In particular, we diUX Practitioners have a longstanding love-hate relationship with the SUS. We love benchmarking […]

[Poster] Remote Moderated v.s. Remote Unmoderated Showdown: Are there differences in the number and severity of usability issues with and without a moderator?

[Poster] Remote Moderated v.s. Remote Unmoderated Showdown: Are there differences in the number and severity of usability issues with and without a moderator? Almost every major UX publication has written something on the strengths and weaknesses of remote moderated or remote unmoderated testing – including the Nielson Norman Group, UX Magazine, CHI, and UXPIN. While […]

Inclusive Ethnography: Accessibility on the Outskirts of the Mainstream

Inclusive Ethnography: Accessibility on the Outskirts of the Mainstream Mainstream research has a tendency to become normative. Gender, cultural context, and other individual constraints are often glossed over as we search for the elusive Universal. However, there is a new awareness that every individual is different and we are all handicapped to one extent or […]

Go Where Your Users Are: A Fresh Look at Contextual Inquiry Methods

Go Where Your Users Are: A Fresh Look at Contextual Inquiry Methods The best way to understand how your users behave and live is to actually visit them in their homes or workplaces. In-home visits, or Contextual Inquiries can seem overwhelming, but the principles are quite simple–it’s being a humble observer in a user’s personal […]