
[Poster] Understanding Aspiring UX Professionals Professional Development

[Poster] Understanding Aspiring UX Professionals Professional Development Research has shown that the Computer Science (CS) undergraduates tend to identify themselves professionally with specialized CS professions including Software Engineering, Web Development, and User Experience professions especially when they are in the junior or senior years of their program. To support their professional development, there is a […]

[Poster] UX Mentoring in a Conference Setting: a How-To Guide

[Poster] UX Mentoring in a Conference Setting: a How-To Guide Traditional mentoring programs have a lot of value. But finding the mentors can be difficult, and then pairing them one-by-one with mentees can be time consuming. Because the recruiting and matching processes are such a heavy lift, the number of mentees who can be paired […]

Forging Alliances with Project Management: A PM’s View of UX

Forging Alliances with Project Management: A PM’s View of UX It is critical for Design and Project Management to be true collaborators in getting things done. This session aims to help UX practitioners advance their careers and be more successful in collaborating with individuals with different motivations and mindsets, and who often speak a different […]