Inside the UX Studio Join us as we honor the 2019 Lifetime Achievement Award winner, to be announced
Inside the UX Studio Join us as we honor the 2019 Lifetime Achievement Award winner, to be announced
“This is not what we wanted”: Talking with and around voice agents Design is increasingly said to be about constructing ‘conversations’ with end users. I present an in-depth look at research on everyday conversation that helps us better understand the deeply organised nature of talk, and how this can inform the design of speech systems. […]
Level Up! Transforming Organizational Culture with UX Peter Drucker claimed, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” Many UX experts are looking to move beyond interface design problems and to break into the C-suite. This means we need to tackle business-level problems, involving people, processes and company culture. The awesome news is that UX skills are completely […]
First impressions: How to design your resume and craft a killer portfolio that will get you that interview It may seem obvious, but the design of your resume and portfolio convey far more about your user experience skills and design aesthetic than you know. And you’d be surprised at what you’re saying to employers that […]
Tales from a Post-it Guru: How to externalize the work, foster alignment, and turn meetings into workshops that move the work forward Different companies use boards and post-its differently or not at all. What’s the philosophy at your organization? Is it dogmatic? Is it tentative? Do they even exist? You’ll learn about the benefits and […]
Forging Alliances with Project Management: A PM’s View of UX It is critical for Design and Project Management to be true collaborators in getting things done. This session aims to help UX practitioners advance their careers and be more successful in collaborating with individuals with different motivations and mindsets, and who often speak a different […]
Networking for Introverts: How Attending UXPA Can Help You Land a Job When attending a conference or industry event, you may be wondering how to talk to people you don’t know and what exactly to say. In this session, you’ll learn how to stop avoiding social situations and start putting yourself out there. I’ll give you […]
I am the LAAW! The Lean Accessibility Audit Workshop Fitting accessibility into an agile development cycle can be challenging. Often accessibility specialists are spread thin across agile squads and they have to deliver quickly into multiple sprint cycles. To meet the demand I looked to Lean UX principles and developed The Lean Accessibility Audit Workshop […]
Weird Science – Making Your AI Super Human with Ethics and UX Artificial intelligence is becoming an increasingly influential part of our everyday lives, and the ethical application and implementation of AI is a vital concern for people both creating and using digital products. How can we ensure the AI we develop today will shape […]
Influence Product Strategy and Quality by Conducting Collaborative UX Discovery Workshops Join two UX practitioners who share case-studies and learnings from leading global and collaborative UX workshops. You will leave with tips, tricks, and techniques on how to facilitate your UX discovery workshops and influence product strategy and usability.