Opening Keynote: Lisa Welchman For the past two decades, leaders of global 1000 companies, NGOs, and other organizations have turned to Lisa to analyze and solve their digital governance challenges. Lisa also speaks globally on issues related to digital governance, the rise of the Information Age, and diversity in the digital technology sector. Lisa is […]
UX After Dark Three industry stalwarts will share funny, insane, unbelievable stories from their own and others’ professional UX lives. Crazy clients, wacky test participants, grace under fire, the sacred and the (nominally) profane. We tell ourselves these stories after hours for our own amusement. Now we invite you to pull up a seat at […]
Topics in Ethics Roundtable The topic of ethics has become integrated into more mainstream discussions as social media and artificial intelligence have become woven into modern life. Incidents of racist Twitter bots, voice UI impersonating humans, and smart speakers becoming common interruptions to personal conversations have raised awareness and concerns. UX experts who care deeply […]
So what? Strategies for sharing insights that ignite action Research fails if it doesn’t ignite the imaginations and emotions of stakeholders; executives, product teams and engineers alike. Many researchers end up spending as much of their time crafting and presenting deliverables as actually conducting research. So what does it take to ensure that your research […]
Tales from the badlands: On why doing agile isn’t being agile (even if you measure), and how to become agile at scale Though rooted in engineering, Agile philosophies (e.g., rapid prototyping, continuous improvement) align well with UX practices. So UX should be natural strategic partners and trusted agents of Agile Product owners. However, even organizations […]
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: The History of User Research Understanding Our Past, Preparing for Our Future For more than 100 years, researchers have worked not only to improve the experiences of the many things we use, but also to establish research as a valuable partner in the product life cycle. As a result […]
Is the Grass Greener? A look at Roles and Transitions in UX Careers Ever wondered what your next career move should be? Are you trying to decide between practitioner and manager, debating whether to grow the UX practice at your current company or leave, deciding whether to leave a consultancy for the corporate world or […]
Accessible design across UX industries: tips, tricks, and pitfalls from researchers and end-users Approximately 1 in 5 people in the United States experience some form of disability (ex. low vision, motion disorder) that affects them on a day-to-day basis. Despite such a high prevalence of disabilities in the U.S., many companies responsible for creating today’s […]