UX After Dark |
Three industry stalwarts will share funny, insane, unbelievable stories from their own and others’ professional UX lives. Crazy clients, wacky test participants, grace under fire, the sacred and the (nominally) profane. We tell ourselves these stories after hours for our own amusement. Now we invite you to pull up a seat at the (metaphorical) campfire. Expect the unexpected and count on some adult language. No clients or reputations will be harmed – probably. If you’re inspired to share your own humorous, poignant, surprising tale of UX shenanigans, you’ll fit right in. Bring your stories to share! If the logistical gods are kind we’ll get an evening slot, access to snacks, and invited guest stars. If not, we’ll still have a heck of a time together anyway! And you’re likely to learn from our mistakes. We hope you do. Please, learn from our mistakes.